November 14, 2010

Woman versus Tools

The following exchange is taken from one of our many silly IM conversations.

Boyfriend: i love you so much :-*:-*
on a related note
i just got a tool catalog from home depot :-D:-D
Me: how is that related? you love tools as much as you love me?
Boyfriend: not as much
i love you waaaaaaaaaaaay more
but i do love tools
on a scale of 1-10, tools/looking at tools are a 8
you're a 15
Glad to know his priorities are straight. ;-)


Samantha said...

that is too cute.

Niki said...

Who doesn't love tools?
My favorite simple tool is the philip's head screwdriver, my favorite hand held electric tool is the router and my favorite stationary tool is the drill press.
If he loves you more than a DRILL PRESS he really is a keeper.

Debbie said...

He says he does indeed love me more than a drill press. :-)