November 7, 2010

Day One: Middle Name

From the Thirty Day Challenge: Your middle name and how you feel about it.

My middle name is Sarai (SUH-rye).  It is the Hebrew for Sarah (like in the book of Genesis in the Bible) and it means "Princess".  My parents felt it was important for me to have a Biblical name, and my father's family has the tradition that the middle name of the first-born girl be the first name of her mother.  However, my parents didn't like how "Deborah" and my mom's name (Sherrie) sounded together, so they settled on a name starting with "S".

When I was younger I did not like my name at all.  I though it was weird (well, I still think it's weird. :-p) But I have grown into my name (just like my nose :-p).  I've been told many times how pretty it is, and nowadays I like that I have a distinctive and full-sounding name.


Michelle said...

You have such a grown up name! And I still can't get over you're last name and how it is not at all the way it looks!

Never Too Busy said...

And what a cute nose it is. Your name is nice to I guess :-P