March 31, 2010

Spring Break Update

I was really excited about spring break and made the awesome list of things I wanted to do.  Thus far, only two of those items have been accomplished. 

My break started off with an emergency trip the doctor due to an extremely bad eczema flair-up.  I cannot describe without whining how miserable I felt.  I've spent some extra time relaxing and on medication, and I'm on my way feeling better.  I've been doing research about eczema, opening up a little to my close friends about how badly I struggle with it, and accepting that with work and patience, I won't be afflicted with this to an extreme forever.  This condition has made me feel ashamed and ugly for so long, and I'm finally accepting that it's common, and can be cured.  I've also been touched by how compassionate and considerate my close friends have been about how I feel and look. 

I recently took an allergy test and the results came back today.  I have to avoid wheat and dairy in most of their forms.  This effects A LOT of my favourite foods, makes dining out hard, and means extra time and money cooking at home.  It's all worth it to feel better; however it's going to take work that at the moment I'm feeling apprehensive about.  In addition, because of what the allergy results indicate, I have to be tested for Celiac Disease.  If you or anyone you know has lived with this condition, I'd be totally open to advice or encouragement.  I just really want to feel pretty and healthy again.

On to more cheerful things!  As per the list, Nate and I went to Annapolis to visit a bar and grill I like and take in the sights.  So much fun was had. :-D  We did a tour of the State House and I showed him the Tiffany dome  and state seal in the Miller Building, and we did a lot of walking around, some eating and drinking, and picture-taking.  The day definitely made up for the rest of my break thus far!

Time for rest, and rehearsal and babysitting tomorrow.  <3

March 28, 2010

"Getting To Know You"

This is my second time participating in this fun blog survey sponsored by Mann Land 5.  Feel free to check out her blog and play along!

1 - Why did you start blogging?
As a way to share news and express thoughts among my friends, and to be able to follow my friends' blogs more easily.

2 - Who's the one blog friend that you would want to meet most in "real life"?
There are a couple that I would be totally jazzed to meet, such as Michelle and Brooke, but I definitely would LOVE to meet Lisa.  She's so Godly and sweet, and always warms my heart with her comments.

3 - Why are you always concerned with losing that "extra 10 pounds" when chances are your husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the way you are?
This has actually never been a concern for me; most people in my life would be happy if I gained ten pounds.  Putting on weight is hard for me, and I'm sometimes self-concious about how tiny I am.

But to answer the actual question, I think women lose weight for themselves; not their man.  If you aren't happy with yourself, it's hard to believe anyone who tells you you look "just fine".

4 - What's the one thing you wish guys could understand about you?

I need someone who doesn't get freaked out by my emotional rants and paranoia, who listens compassionately, but is mature and levelheaded enough to calm me down and tell me to stop over-reacting.  At times I have a hard time thinking logically or expressing my feelings openly (but it's something I'm currently working very hard to change).

5 - Tattoos. How many do you have and how many are visible when you wear your "everyday" clothes?
I have none, but have been talking for sometime of getting one.  I haven't selected the spot yet; it will be somewhere not over obvious, but visible in a bathing suit or some summer clothes.
6 - What was the best year of your life and why?

The past several years have had extreme highs and lows, all of which made me glad to be alive.  However, I think I would pick 2004.  I was really involved at my church and with my friends in that year, started to find myself as a person and gain a little freedom, and started dating my first boyfriend.

7 - Name three things you would do if you were a man for one day.

Hold doors open for everyone who crossed my path; know what it's like to be asked what I'm thinking and be able to honestly say "Nothing"; and buy a tool knowing exactly what it is made to do.

8 - What's your alcoholic drink of choice that usually raises a few eyebrows?
I don't think any of my beverage choices have raised eyebrows, though people are usually surprised when I say I like vodka (I've yet to have it straight though :-p).

March 27, 2010

Looking The Part? (Buried Child Post #2)

In the salon light and with that shirt on the colour pulls red....

but I swear I'm now a brunette!

Nate came to visit this afternoon and took cute pictures of us, so maybe I'll have those to share later.  He expressed an immense amount of appreciation for my new look. ;-)  Hopefully the directors of Buried Child will be happy with "Shelly's" hair. :-p  (And I get to have my salon bill refunded from the theatre budget- total score!)

March 26, 2010

Buried Child (Production Blog Post #1)

A couple entries back I mentioned the play I'm currently in, and promised an entry dedicated to it.  I've been planning on doing a series of personal entries about the production's progress; finally, I make good on my word!
 We've technically been working on Buried Child since January, when it was in the planning stage, and rehearsing about a month now.  The production crew is made up mostly of people I've worked with before in Barnstormers, and the cast has enlarged the reach of our club with new members.  My character, Shelly, is a young woman from New York who goes on a visit with her boyfriend to his family's farm.  The 24 hours she spends in their home are horrifying, mystifying, and a test of her character.  To some degree, I would describe playing this role with similar words.  The language used by Shelly, her demeanor, and events that happen to her are things I've had to explore and develop an appreciation for. 

One rehearsal that particularly tested me was when another character performed a "metaphorical rape" on Shelly by sticking his finger in her mouth.  This is one of the tensest scenes in the play, and before the lights black out it is insinuated that he will go through with the actual act of rape.  The particular evening we had this rehearsal I was already feeling emotional, and running that scene brought me to tears.  I forgot about Debbie and became Shelly; completely overwhelmed by the thought of being victimized, alone and with no escape.  Efraim, the student director, noticed I was upset and was very sympathetic towards me as his friend while still encouraging me to take risks as an artist. I have since then rehearsed that scene with more control, remembering that while I have to be completely dedicated as an actress, I must protect myself as a person.  Carl, our theatre professor, reminded me that I should give 98% of myself to a role, and keep the other 2% for myself.

On the behind-the-scenes side, I am production coordinator for the show.  This means I spend a lot of time booking rehearsal and show spaces, moderating money, sending emails, making phone calls, formulating meeting agendas, mediating when necessary, and in general, bugging people.  I enjoy administrative work, so once I got in the groove I've really enjoyed this job.

Several cast and crew have also assisted Nathan (who is the technical director and set designer) with the building of the set.  I told him that I wanted to learn new things while assisting with build, so last week I got to use a chop saw (pictured here) and build a flat (I was very syked to have measured, cut, and built something :-D).  Due to my schedule and capabilities, I ended up chief painter, and most of the set thus far bears the mark of my paint brush or roller. :-p

This has become waaayyy too long...if you're still reading it means you're interested enough in my budding life as a theatre major, or that you're really bored!  Either way, I'll continue blogging occasionally about the show up until closing curtain.  Stay tuned!

P.S. Tomorrow I am having my hair dyed for the role!  Pictures to come.

March 20, 2010

Spring Break Plans

(Note: Searching Google Images for "spring break" renders things not of the nature of my plans. :-p  So I Googled "spring" instead.  These pictures are relaxing and pretty.)

This evening I got really excited about the fact that I have one more week of classes and then I'm off from school and rehearsals for nine days!  Here are some things I'm planning on participating in:

~Going to the movies (Alice In Wonderland and Diary of a Wimpy Kid are on the agenda)~
~Girl's day watching various versions of Pride and Prejudice~
~Outdoor grilling~
~Making dinner for Nathan and having a night in~
~Having a picnic~
~Going for a bike ride~
~Lunch and catching up with Anderson~

I'll be sure to check things off my list and blog about them!  Have you had spring break already?  What did you do or are planning to do?

March Postings

Looking a little bare this month (but maybe that's because I'm slightly more organized recently? :-p)

1) The painting of the month is "Charleston Sunset on Rainbow Row"

2) Pretty photo from Glamour that I still like.

3) Invite to another wedding!  (It's for Emily's older brother- busy time for that family!

4) Postcard ad for "Partition" at Spotlighters in Baltimore (a friend is on crew for the show).

5) My girlie and I. :-)

6) This card probably isn't leaving the board anytime soon.

7) Reminder to pay Selena's monthly sponsorship.

March 19, 2010

It's Here!

Today I felt like a cat basking in front of a sunlit window; I felt content, happy, warm, and by the day's end, sleepy.  The Spring of 2010 glowed down upon us full force and I enjoyed as much of it as I could!  Unfortunately I had to work inside at school, but for lunch break and after my shift I sat outside.  (I also made as many excuses as possible to run errands from the office and go outside. :p)  There's a beautiful stone house in the middle of campus that I adore, and I soaked up the sun while sitting at the picnic tables in back of the house.  I think the campus is simply perfect in early spring and late fall...we're up on a hill, and there is always just the right amount of sun, shade, and breeze if you know where to look; plus we have lots of trees and good places to sit.  Since I spend waaayyy too much of my time at school, I'm glad it's a place I don't mind looking at!

I capped off the daylight hours by doing some driving.  I'm working on the hours I need to get my full license, so when Mom and I went out this evening I enjoyed some highway driving with the windows rolled down while the sun was setting.  We picked up dinner and had some girl talk.

Now I'm cozy and sleepy and feeling very happy with how this week has gone.  Tomorrow I get to sleep in and do anything I want...which probably means clean and study. :-p  I want to blog about how my play is going, so I'll be back soon for that!

March 17, 2010

March 16, 2010

"The Last Five Years"

I'm in love with this video! I want soooo badly to see this musical, and hopefully, perform in it one day. This is a promo video of a production of "The Last Five Years" done in 2006 (not the original cast), and it's so well done!

I've referenced my love for this show in the past. It's a two-person show about Jamie and Cathy, told by Jamie from beginning to end of their five-year relationship and by Cathy from end to beginning. Sooo good!

Have You Ever?

For several weeks this song has resonated with me.  I think it creatively describes so many moments and feelings in life that are hard to describe.  I'm happy to say that either metaphorically or literally, I've experienced many of these wonderful and painful feelings.

"Glitter In The Air" by P!nk

Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
Close your eyes and trusted, just trusted
Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face
And said I just don't care

It's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the ice burg
The sun before the burn
The thunder before lightning
The breathe before the fraze
Have you ever felt this way?

Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone?
Your whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone
Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry?
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside?

It's only half past the point of oblivion
The hourglass on the table
The walk before the run
The breathe before the kiss
And the fear before the flames
Have you ever felt this way?

There you are, sitting in the garden
Clutching my coffee
Calling me sugar
You called me sugar

Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight
Have you ever held your breathe and asked yourself will it ever get better than tonight?

March 13, 2010

March: Current Reflections

I'm laxing on my duties blog-wise. :-\ 

It's a rainy Saturday.  I slept in, had a heart-to-heart via phone with a good friend, did my hair as close to perfection as is posssible for me, and listened to some good music.  Tonight I'm going out for dinner and a play with Nate, which I am looking forward to despite the weather.  Should I brave my high-heeled boots in the muddy elements?  The longings of a fashionista drown out the demands of practicality and say yes.  Nate likes those boots. :-p  (Note picture at right.  They are pretty awesome, no?  and I'm super skilled at ambulating in them.  I once ran to catch a bus while wearing them.)

Yes, Nate and I are dating again.  :-)  I'm grateful for a second chance and scared of an unknown future.  Sharing your heart and life with another has a tendency to reveal many uncomfortable and wonderful things about oneself.  I'm trying to live one day at a time sensibly and openly, and work with him towards the best for both of us.  He's worth it. <3

My days have been filled with lots of theatre of late.  On Sunday I saw a compiliation of three short plays at a nearby university called "Grrl Parts"; one act plays written by women about women.  They were all contemporary and slightly edgy, the acting held my attention and the storylines were interesting. On Thursday night I saw a high school production of "Cats".  It didn't help for one that I didn't really know the story; two, apparently the order of the show's numbers were broken up and different from the original musical; was a high school production.  Don't get me wrong; I firmly believe high school theatre can be great.  My friend's high school productions were so good they inspired my love for musical theatre and my desire to act.  But this particular production was just...not amazing.  Tonight I will be taking in an original adaptation of "Animal Farm" written by a director at my college.  Seeing it is a requirement for my acting class, and several people I know are in it.  From what I've heard, it's an aesthetically painful production to watch, but as always, I shall hope for the best. :-p

In addition to being a theatre observer, the rehearsals for the current show I'm in are in full swing and I've been doing a lot of character development for that.  I'm playing "Shelly" in Buried Child by Sam Shepard.  It's a rich, disturbing, and confusing story; I recommend the Wikipedia explanation of it over my own.  Barnstormers (our theatre club) selected the play as our spring production and it's being entirely student acted and produced (something that, president of that club, I am really proud of. :)  This is the second Barnstormers production I've been involved with, and I'm happy this time around to have a lead role and also serve as production coordinator (many of us are wearing mutiple hats for the show, duty-wise).  Plan on hearing lots more about Buried Child in the coming weeks!  The show goes up April 22nd.

That's enough for now.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

March 3, 2010

If You Want It, Make It.

Because I've been subjecting my dear readers to lots of ambiguous angst of late, I feel I owe you an update of a positive nature. :-p

It's not of monumental significance (or maybe it is, considering my recent state of mind) but I'm having an awesome day.  Why, you ask?

Is it because I look really cute and professional today?

Is it because I'm enjoying work and was left in charge at the office?

Is it because I know I did well on my health test ?

Is it because I get to go to the first rehearsal of my next show tonight?

Is it because I marched confidently into the college advisement office and handed in the paperwork that declares my major and defines the next few years of my life?

Is it because even though I miss Nathan, I'm accepting our present circumstances and am hopeful that we'll figure everything out in time?

Maybe.  But it is more likely that I am having an awesome day because I decided to.  Because I decided everything is easier when you smile about it, and life is what you make it. And baby, I'm making it, and doing with a smile!

March 1, 2010

In My Closet (A Guest Post!)

Today I unveil my very first guest post!  It is written by Nathan of Why Men Can't Cry.  Nathan has played several different roles in my life in the short time I've known him- object of curiosity, set designer, director, friend, boyfriend, crying shoulder, source of amusement, and partner in crime.  Nathan's blog is engaging and witty, and he has a genuine way with words that I greatly admire.  He leapt at the chance to grace my blog and chose one of the topics I offered him- a man's perspective on wardrobe.  So for those reasons and without further ado, I give the stage of this blog to my guest. 
Dressing for me is very simple. I get up, put on something not in the dirty-clothesbasket, and leave. Sounds simple enough, but it has taken years of careful planning to get such an effortless seeming wardrobe. In this post, I’m going to talk about both my current wardrobe, and my dream wardrobe.

First off, my mom (who has bought the majority of my clothes the majority of my life) and Debbie (whose opinion of my wardrobe matters to me for some reason:-P) think I look so cute in blue, and as such, there is a lot of blue in my closet. I own a lot of long sleeved button up shirts, which suits my style fine since I love dressing up (which I will elaborate on later), hoodies (nothing says comfort than a soft hoodie caressing your body), and collared t-shirts (“never get TOO casual” is my motto I think).

Now, I’ve never been a fan of denim for various reasons. However, my job is best done wearing thick jeans, and winter doesn’t lend itself to thin cotton pants very well, so I sucked it up and now own four pairs of jeans, one specifically designated for getting dirty and painting at work, and one that I’ve never even gotten around to wearing.

Before I get into my dream wardrobe, I want to touch on my fashion faux-pas. Debbie is going to hate me for saying this, but distressed clothing is a big no-no, especially ripped jeans. I recently had the experience of having one of my jeans rip at the knee (I have my suspicions that Debbie cut it when I wasn’t looking) and it took me only two days before I couldn’t bear it anymore and trashed it. I like my clothing to be clean cut, and well, clean (with the exception of work clothes). Secondly, tight jeans (aka girl’s jeans) are another thing I will never do. I’m sorry, I’m a guy, and I have certain parts that require space to, you know, move about. You have not known the grief of tight pants till you have the awkward experience of walking into a men’s bathroom and seeing a guy using a urinal with his pants around his knees because he just can’t manage to do it otherwise.

Okay, let’s get to my dream wardrobe. As I said before, I love dressing up! I dream of one day having a job/income that would allow me to have a regular reason to wear suits, and even sometimes tuxedoes. I look at TV sometimes (I rarely watch TV) and see those men who open their huge closets and it’s filled with suits and say “Woah! That’s gonna be me one day!”. I mean, look how happy these guys in suits look! Suits are awesome. I want them in various styles and colors.

Onto tuxedos. Nothing says “I’m classy as *insert thing to be classy as here*” like a tux does. Maybe it’s just the future groom in me talking (hopefully someday *crosses fingers*), but tuxedos are just, well, AWESOME! Never worn one, but I’d love to change that sometime. Soon my precious…soon.

That’s all for me for now. Hopefully I haven’t embarrassed Debbie TOO much and she’ll invite me back sometime. Thanks for reading ladies (and guys).

-Nathan (aka Never Too Busy)