February 19, 2012


I didn't think it could happen, but I'm warming up to the idea of a much smaller, intimate wedding.
We'll see.  There's some things left to accomplish outside of wedding planning in my life, and a lot of financial and emotional preparation yet to be done as a couple.

photo cred

I'm just excited I'm marrying my best friend.  A wedding is a lovely and meaningful event, but it's one day in the rest of our lives together.  Deciding whether two or 200 guests will be at the ceremony is just a minor detail, when you really think about it.

Tassles and Titles

I've been nominated to apply for the President's Distinguished Graduate Award at my college!

...and I'm super nervous about it.  So nervous in fact, I'm nervous to even work on the application.  I'm starting it tonight.  I was informed of my nomination a little under two weeks ago, and the application is due in under a month.  The due date is smack in the middle of Spring Awakening's tech week and the finalist interviews would be right after the show closes, so I need to get the majority of it all done now.

I wish I knew why I'm so nervous about the whole process, considering I've become used to being in the public eye of the school's community for my leadership and co-curricular involvement.  I am extremely honored to even be nominated because CCBC has changed my life in so many ways that I'm grateful for.  Leaving with not just my degree but this award and the chance to represent the entire graduating class would be beyond amazing!  Any perspective/prayers/well wishes would be appreciated.

February 15, 2012

February Woes

Happy February!  The show is going well, wedding planning has slowed, and I already feel behind in all my classes. 

I'm trying to pull an all-nighter so I no longer have to feel behind on everything and surrounded by disorganization all the time.  Every night I do the rehearsal report and try to do homework, but usually feel unmotivated.  Stress of work, school, and engagement has hit Nathan and I pretty hard, and that has been somewhat of a distraction.

Anything worth having is not easily got.  I'll work to stay focused on building healthy relationships, and having a successful graduation semester.