October 12, 2012

Hi Friday!

It has become very unusual for me to be up this late at night (yay for no longer being a student!) but tonight called for it.  While I will probably regret this tomorrow, I am currently enjoying being all caught up on rehearsal notes and other production needs, some clean laundry, and just a general sense of accomplishment in life right now.

Tomorrow HTB and I are visiting four more houses, and then hopefully enjoying a relaxing evening together.  On Sunday evening I will be extra spoiled because he is taking me to see Wicked at the Hippodrome!  I am prepared to have my socks rocked. :-D  I'll try to gather a few pictures for y'all.  Happy weekend!

P.S. For those who live locally, I've updated my events page. :-)

October 9, 2012


This post is brought to you by me trying to distract myself with frivolous things and escaping from the stress of today...

I got an iPhone!  I left AT&T and the Blackberry family after many years of pretty decent service to join HTB on his Verizon plan.  In the process I got the new phone (FOR FREE) and am hoping for a lower monthly bill.  I got this fancy case (the white and gold striped one) to celebrate (I know, my logic is slightly flawed).  It looks just as great in person, and survived its first meeting with a linoleum floor like a trooper!

In less frivolous matters, I will say I am stressed out at work, "Titanic" tech is a little more than two weeks away, and Nathan and I are searching high and low for a home.

It would be neat if we were blogging about the whole house-hunting experience, but since we don't take pictures at the properties it seems a little pointless.  I'm not sure if we're allowed to do so, but I'd feel a little awkward.  We've seen ranchers, colonials, and Cape Cods, among others.  We've seen fixer-uppers and we've seen houses so spanking fresh you can still smell the paint (literally).  We've seen dead crickets and cigarette butts on the floor of a sketchy kitchen and we've seen a furnace from 1912 in a basement.  We've visited houses that were empty and calling out to me to dream in them, and we've been in houses still housing occupants and their yappy dogs (or over-curious children).  It's an adventure.  I am thankful for three things: our knowledgable and friendly real estate agent, and the good sense and kind heart of my fiance. This feels like a long road, but I believe our home is at the end of it.

October 5, 2012

Apparition In A Fedora

I had an hour to do whatever I chose this afternoon while downtown, waiting to meet up with HTB. I was drawn to a bookstore; one of those fancy Barnes & Noble/Starbucks combos.  My intent was coffee and perhaps a new book.  From the discount section.  Or to at least browse.

As I was in the Cafe portion of the store, something caught my eye that made my heart stop for a second or two.  A young man sitting at a table by a window, hunched over a laptop.  Wearing a dark t-shirt and a black fedora.  He was slender, with a distinct chin and nose, or at least my clouded mind made his profile out as such.

I wasn't really seeing whoever this oblivious man in the bookstore was; I was seeing Tim.  Of course, the real Tim would have probably been wearing his leather jacket (even on such a warm afternoon as today), and would have more likely been jotting in his ever-ready Moleskin notebook.  He may or may not have been sporting his fedora; in the past year or two it had become an on and off-again "thing" he tried out sometimes.

Tim always bought me whatever I wanted at Starbucks, and always bought himself the same $1.95 coffee.  We would sometimes talk of the short stories he started and never finished.  I left the bookstore today with a Caramel Macchiato (that gave me a stomach ache), a book of Anton Chekov short stories, and a mind swirling with memories.