November 19, 2010

Day Thirteen: Mean Girls

From the Thirty Day Challenge: Your thoughts or opinions about Mean Girls.

Never seen it, and I don't really care to.  However, this topic does bring to my mind Lindsay Lohan. And how cute she was in the "Parent Trap" remake. 


Michelle said...

So it seems like it would be a lame movie... but I think Mean Girls kind of shook our generation. And even though it just seems like a teenie-bopper movie... it won't be forgotten. You gotta see it! It is your theatrical duty!

Debbie said...

I trust you Michelle! Lets rent it and make a date of it!

Never Too Busy said...

Such a bad movie. Michelle, lay off the drugs :-P

Michelle said...

hahahaha. We don't have to rent it... RYAN OWNS IT!