June 4, 2010

So You Boutique!

A darling blogging friend of mine has launched a new online business, and it's just so exciting I wanted to spread the word!

Yelena of Style My Happiness is selling off name-brand clothes at thrift store prices.  I never through I'd see such pretty pieces from names such as New York & Company, Black House/White Market, or Perry Ellis for Salvation Army prices!

The only downside is that you may not find your size in Yelena's boutique, because all these items were personally owned by her.  But there are a wide variety of sizes and styles (sizes 0-8) and everything is gently used, so it's worth checking out!

First read about the VIP Preview, and then check out So You Boutique!  I'll be sure to post pictures when I receive my stylish purchases. :-)

1 comment:

Yelena said...

You are amazing.
Thank you so much for this post.
It really, really, really meant a lot to me. You have no idea.
Did you find anything you like in the shop?
What size do you wear?
send me an email dear please? i personally want to say thank yoU! :)
PS: You are amazing :)