June 2, 2010

The Blog Writing Date (Debbie Is A Girl)

Today over at Why Men Can't Cry is an enlightening post regarding proper urinal etiquette.  I am credited as a co-author of this post. 

By some odd and unexplainable chance you are still in doubt, I am in fact a girl, and will never (presumably) have need of the wise and researched counsel contained in this post.  Nor did I suggest to Never Too Busy (AKA my boyfriend; his blog's anonymity was shot long ago) that he compose such a post (though he did inform me once my own father broke one of the sacred urinal usage rules when they happened to be in a men's bathroom at the same time).  So why, you may wonder, did my name earn a byline?

Boyfriend has been saying for months that this blog post was to be.  The other day when deciding how we should best pass our afternoon it was decided that the epic, long-awaited urinal post was to be written.  He sat at my kitchen table for two hours on my laptop, researching, thinking out loud, and typing.  My mother came by, inquiring what we were doing, and was rendered slightly speechless at the sight of the "The Urinal Game".

How was I involved in the evolution of this post you ask?  Well, I at times have the attention span of five-year-old. So while he wrote I: cooked rice, read the booklet in our Gilmore Girls DVDs, fidgeted, sat on his lap, fidgeted some more, checked my email while he was gone and thereby accidentally lost part of the blog's draft, helped him rewrite what I lost, changed all his formatting, giggled at comic commentaries on urinals, painted my nails (he picked red), and then lined up all the polish bottles according to their colour spectrum order (see pictures).

When the post was done, he affixed my name at the end along with his, and viola!  Another documented case of Nathan & Debbie Ridiculousness!  (And in case you were wondering, this is not an unusual example of the ways we find to amuse ourselves.)


Never Too Busy said...


Heather said...

Awesome. Just awesome.

Anonymous said...

my bf's name is also nathan and we would totally do something like that! haha.