June 2, 2010

I Genuinely Smiled..

when I watched this cute video!  Thanks Aury at An Ordinary Girl's World for helping me to discover it!

My mind was crowded with unpleasant things today.  I read an article in a magazine about a girl who was sexually abused by her grandfather, and the topic of abuse is something I'm easily disturbed by. I skimmed the script of "Misery" because it was an option for the acting competition thingie, and decided there is no way I want to connect to the character of "Annie".  I'm currently dealing with a memory that hurts my gut and my heart everytime I think about it.  On top of everything else, I missed an important academic-related interview today and I'm really angry at myself for it.

But now I'm trying to surround myself with peaceful and comforting things (that video helped.)  I have my Bible, my journal, and music.  I know that life goes on, even when we fail.  I know that I am blessed and safe.  I read "This world is fading away, along with everything it craves.  But if you do the will of God, you will live forever." (1 John 2:17). 

Be careful what you fill your head and heart with, for they are the most precious gifts life gives you. 


Never Too Busy said...

Wow, that is such an awesome video!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I lovee that song :) And really nice Bible Verse !