August 8, 2010

August Postings

A year ago this month I started this feature!  Here's what's on my bulletin board right now....

1. "Key West" by Thomas Kinkade

2. Wooden beads from Hawaii

3. An illustrated list from Glamour, "10 Ways To Feel Happier This Instant".

4. Favourite pictures.

5. A ticket from the baseball game Nate and I attended last month.

6. My summer work schedule.

7. To remind me to keep taking risks and being uncomfortable

8. An ad for a new and up-coming mark. product called "Lipclick"- a fullsize lipstick in a magnetic case.  Maybe I'll preview it soon and write about it here. :-)

1 comment:

The Style Mansion said...

I love these bulletin boards soooo much. That lipclick sounds cool. Please preview it! No.7 has rung true for me too.
Thanks Debbie