December 14, 2010

One Week Clean!

I forgot to mention that last week I deactivated my facebook.  As of today I haven't accessed my account via my Blackberry or a computer.  Boyfriend challenged me to a Facebook-Free Month.  I thought I would miss it (and I do) but I'm using the time I'm NOT spending creeping my friends to update my blog, read blogs, explore the wonders of a YouTube account, and hopefully be more productive in other areas of my life.  I do intend to reactivate my account in January because I had built my page and contacts up to a useful state of networking and communication for my various causes and activities.  The holidays however, make it a convenient time to take a break!


Samantha said...

Good for you! I wish I had the will power to do that. I hope you have a great Facebook free holiday season!

Michelle said...

I'm so proud of you!

Niki said...

Keep up the good work.