March 9, 2011

Going Batty: Physical Theatre

Today I was a shadow.  A menacing, tempting, foreboding shadow gliding across the stage, bending my limbs like well-oiled hinges and posing like a Grotowskian ballerina.  My voice accompanied my movements, joining the other shadows in a choir of sounds that enticed the listeners to give into their dark desires.  While slithering around and pulsing together we fill the stage with red fabric and our black-clad bodies. We are the abstract expression of the dark themes of this play: desire, revenge, jealously, greed, ignorance, rejection.

My director is heavily inspired by Grotowski, Brecht, and Meyerhold's Biomechanics.  He's not a huge fan of Naturalism.  My personal instincts as an actress are usually naturalistic.  My first reaction when Carl asks us to do weird -I mean, stylistic- things is usually, "You're kidding, right?"  or, "That makes no sense."  But when I instead allow my body, voice, and mind to break free of "normal" conventions, I always experience work that excites and enriches me.


Never Too Busy said...

It's like i always say, normal is overrated :-P

Jas said...

You need to keep that naturalism to your default performance mindset if you plan on pursuing film or television. That's what gets you jobs when money is on the table!