July 5, 2010

Still An Emo Kid

Many moons ago when I was a different girl, I discovered a band called Straylight Run.  I think it was via similarly-mind emo* friends who had SR lyrics on their Live Journals that I became familiar with this band.  Many of us were attached to a particular song called "Existentialism On Prom Night" that has a haunting piano intro and poetic, repetitive lyrics.  I haven't heard that song or thought of that band in at least four years.  Then Nathan sent me a song by Straylight Run that was featured on one of our favourite television shows.  I listened to "Hands In The Sky (Big Shot)" thinking, whoa, this isn't the Straylight Run I remember

So I decided to reacquaint myself with them, and now I can't leave their presence!  "Existentialism" is still as haunting as ever, and I discovered a new favourite, "It's For The Best."  Even though my personal philosophies aren't as bleak as those described in the song, I feel like this song was written for me.  It describes the dark side of my heart perfectly.

"It takes more time than I've ever had,
Drains the life from me,
Makes me want to forget,
As young as I was,
I felt older back then,
More disciplined,
Stronger and certain,
But I was scared to death of eternity,
I was saved by grace,
But destroyed by naivety,
And I lied to myself,
And said it was for the best,

And now faith is replaced with a logic so cold
I've disregarded what I was,
Now that I'm older,
And I know much more than I did back then,
But the more I learn,
The more I can't understand,
And I've become content with this life that I lead,
Where I drink to much and don't believe in much of anything,
And I lie to myself,
And say it's for the best,

We're moving forward,
But holding ourselves back,
And we're waiting on something that will never come"

*= I don't know that my crowd back then truly fit into the emo category.  However, acoustic guitars, funky hair, skinny jeans, bad poetry, obsessive love of the local music scene, and lots of angst were our main characteristics, therefore it's the best description I can offer. :-p

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