July 24, 2010

Lotsssss Of Bandwith..

I have a random assortment of pictures from recently that I felt like sharing.  This will probably be in place of a  July bulletin board post.  Enjoy!

Having a super awesome time at the
neighborhood firemen's carnival with baby bro.

I likes to wear cute clothes and listen to my ipod.

We have a new hobby. Hot summer days at
 the pool hall (I suck, but one day I won't!)

A late night dinner I was particularly excited about.

Baked potatoes and pan-grilled chicken and veggies.

Black and white, big hair, big accessories. YES. :-)

Regular readers know all about the Barn Theatre. <3

While waiting for a friend, working on
promo ideas for my new make-up business.

Gas station fail!

Feeling artsy: headscarf,
hoops, and purple eyeliner!

Panera Bread, soy milk is not supposed to do that...

The End.  But will someone please tell me why Blogger disregards my anal attentiveness to formatting, and makes my picture presentation look as if I am a 14-year-over-anxious-newbie-blogger? :-I've wasted twenty minutes trying to get this post to look right.


Never Too Busy said...

It's because blogger is run by a secret organization developed for the soul purpose of frustrating you...and is not run by me *shifty eyes*

And you always have such awesome outfits! :-)

Meowitsme said...

Belle looked over my shoulder and saw your pics and yelled, "Look, ma! It's my Debbie!" :)

Debbie said...

Thanks hun :-)

And aaaawwwww katie, that makes me so happy!

Frannie said...

You're starting a makeup business. That is soo cool! I'm working on starting my clothing line :)

Love the artsy look on you :D