July 19, 2010

Sounds Truly Crazy; And True, The Vision's Hazy

I've been hiding away from the scorching summer days in a chilly office, surrounded by pleasant people and doing little of significance.  I fill the copier, run to the vending machine, appease irritated students, make nice with demanding professors, and spy on the world via the glass-fronted office and my computer screen.  Then my sandals echo through empty hallways and I go home.

Debbie- "I'm restless today.  Something inside me wants to do something important.

Nathan- "But you're at work.  That's important, isn't it?"

D- "Not really.  Not in that sense.  But yes.

N- "Important like what?"

D- "Important like...my brain would feel like it climbed a mountain. and then someone takes a picture that I'll look at ten years from now, and feel good about what I did."

N- "You want a project- Something to put effort into?

D- "Yes?  Yes."

He recommended I make a list of challenging things that need doing or repairing and then offered to help me with it.  He's so sweet. :-)  But my longing goes so much deeper than that.  I just can't put it into words. 

On a lighter note, today made me think of this dialogue from Gilmore Girls:

LORELAI: Michel, we've been over this, we all cover the phone, that includes you.
MICHEL: Don't misunderstand. I want to answer it, I truly did, but today, today I am suffering from ennui.
MICHEL: Severe ennui. You know what ennui is, yes?
LORELAI: Yes. Um, Webster's defines ennui as a lazy soon to be out of work French concierge who won't answer the phone.
MICHEL: Look, I've had my peace with the fact that everyone who calls here is a notch above brain dead, and that the pennies I am thrown each week are in exchange for me dealing with these people in a nonviolent manner. And usually that is fine, but today, sorry lady, I have ennui.

*Sigh*  Work tomorrow morning, then shooting pool and eating lunch with Boyfriend in the afternoon!  If my days can't always have life-altering significance, at least they are pleasant.  

Post title is from the song "The Wizard and I".

1 comment:

Yelena said...

ah! that makes me want to watch gilmore girls - i love that show! especialy michel - cracks me up and he says everything like it's so serious! :)
anyway, i am so with you on the restlesness. its horrible at times :( we so need a challenging, but fun project! :)