July 15, 2010

My Fountain Soda

Glee" on Fox- Bubbly, sugary, empty-caloric goodness for my ears and eyes. :-) I <3 every minute of this performance from the season 1 finale.*

*-Actually in all honesty I have some minor issues with my love affair:
1) Rachel needs to shout less and project properly.  Maybe it's just the way she's lip syncing that's throwing me off, but here it's not pretty.
2) The storyline that has Quinn performing with the club literally up until she popped a baby out is ludicrous to me.
3) I want to see and hear more of Santana (the female lead on the second verse of "Don't Stop Believin'"). 

But again; it's fountain soda, not champagne.  I don't expect to be awed with perfection.  Just entertained.  And I <3 them for doing just that.


Never Too Busy said...

You should add the part about me hating anything that's not incredible (I won't even try to word it the way you did, because I would just butcher the elegance of the thing).

Yelena said...

i adore this number. but you do have some good observations .;)