July 4, 2010

Fireworks and Other Stuff

*squeals* I love, love, love fireworks!  They are one of my favourite things about summer, and probably what makes the 4th of July my favourite holiday.  

This evening the local fireworks fest was being presented a day early.  Nathan, Bethelle, and myself camped out on the big hill at college about two hours before the show, and amused ourselves by playing hangman and taking pictures.  I was very sleepy, and at one point Nate and I had laid down on our blanket, snuggled up together.  Two men near us were having a conversation that jumped from topic to topic, and we were amused to overhear this part of their dialogue:

"It's the Catonsville lovefest out here!"
"Yeah, we got ourselves some Woodstock action!"

Since we were in no way being inappropriate, we quietly giggled, ignoring them, and stayed as we were. 

Tomorrow I am attending a cook-out at the home of some of Nathan's relatives, and meeting his extended family for the first time.  I'm a little nervous.

Now it's past due time to try to sleep, which I am also nervous about.  I'm experiencing some withdrawal from the steroid I was temporarily on, and my eczema is flaring up.  Keep me in your prayers.  I felt so awesome for two weeks, and I'm disappointed and depressed at the thought of going backwards from the progress I was making.

Happy 4th of July! 

P.S.  My first-ever guest post debuted on Nathan's blog today!  Do Your Thing was written for Arts Appreciation Month.

1 comment:

The Wilted Rose said...

Yes, it was fun. Oh, don't forget the other lines those guys through our their like "I think my cat snores" and "I know a lady who thinks fireworks are depressing." Lol.
Praying for you, Debbie. I real hope and want you to heal! Have fun meeting the family extensions! Just tell Nathan to stick around in case it gets too frightening. Haha.