January 30, 2010

Lists of Varying Moods

I was telling boyfriend today that lists always make me feel better, even stressful ones. Does anyone else feel this way? Making lists was a technique discussed in my pyschology class last semester. Apparently they make you feel in control (even if you're not, haha). So, due to a rough day and lots of mixed emotions, here are some lists.

People And Things That Are Making Me Happy:
~The lovely snowstorm
~The album Flaming Red by Patty Griffin (especially the tracks "Mary" and "Christina")
~Not having anywhere to be today
~Spring semester starts on Monday (I'm excited to be back in classes, learning new things and meeting new people)
~Writing letters that will probably not be read by the people to whom they are addressed (more about this in another entry, maybe)
~My new job at school
~Knowing that God provides for all my needs in His perfect time

People And Things That Are Making Me Sad:
~My physical health (My skin, specifically. Getting over the last outbreak of eczema has been a frustrating and uphill battle)
~Not remembering the last time I slept all the way through the night without being restless or uncomfortable
~Spring semester starts on Monday (A new and busy schedule always makes me a little nervous at first)
~Barely having enough money for bills

It's good that the happy list is longer than the sad list! Hope you all are enjoying your weekend. :-)


Abigail Rogers said...

Indulge me, please.


Debbie said...

Hi Abby! I like the looks of your fiction blog and "A Different Homeschool Girl"..I'll be stopping by!

The Style Mansion said...

I often make lists because it helps me organise my thoughts. I don't necessarily stay organised though.
I'm glad too that your happy list is longer than your sad list. I will pray about your sleeplessness, health, family and finances. Don't worry.

Debbie said...

Thanks for the prayers Lisa..the timing is cool, because I slept really well last night! :-)