December 18, 2008

P.S. I need advice again

I'm writing Christmas cards for a few people at work, and was wondering which type of card I should use. I would like to use ones that say on the front "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord", and has a pretty drawing of a country scene with snow and an angel. Would that card be inappropriate for a colleague if I'm not sure about their religious preference? We have a pretty laid back environment, and I'm only giving them to people whom I talk to regularly. I have other cards that are really generic and just have snow men and bears and stuff like that on them.


Katie said...

Give whatever you feel is "in tune" with your Christmas feelings. Don't feel about offending someone with a card, it's the thought that counts. When I worked at Lifetouch I gave a normal card to everyone in my department except for one woman who was a Jehovas Witness. She was kind about it but firm in her faith and I respect her for that. She never attended the Christmas Party and didnt take part in any of the luncheons, etc... that had to do with things that went against her beliefs. If someone is offended, oh well. Don't turn PC on me!!! :)

FALSE said...

It’s only a card Debbie, a card that represents you and what you believe in. If they are not Christian who is to say that your card may make them curious? Ever situation you are in gives you an opportunity to minister.

Debbie said...

You're both right, thanks. I want to minister, but I also want to be sensitive to the work environment and what's "appropriate." You know how this world can be.. :-/