January 4, 2011

A Dozen Titles

This week marks the end of my holiday break and I start my three ten-hour days a week at the college.  I had ten days off from work and classes and it was great.  I was abominably lazy, I suppose.  There were tasks that needed doing and scripts to be studied, and sadly I did little of either. :-\  I instead caught up with my Shannon, went to two yoga classes, wore pajamas a lot, saw Boyfriend a lot, and watched twelve movies.  Yes, I, who cannot sit still long enough to watch one movie a month (I spend lots of time sitting but do it in spurts :-p) watched a dozen movies in ten days.  I'm a little surprised at myself.  Any way, just for fun here's the run down of the marathon!
  • The Bourne Trilogy (pay attention, this counts as three :-p): Thought the premise and action were great,but the last movie "Ultimatum" dragged a bit and felt recycled.  Made me hate Julia Stiles a little less and love actions movies a little more (despite their blatant and extreme lack of realism which tends to get on my nerves).
  • Sixteen Candles: Michelle gave me this for Christmas and I see why it's a pop culture classic. :-)  However, pay no attention to the faulty rating system of the 80's.  This "PG" movie contains F-bombs and boobies! :-o
  • It's A Wonderful Life: Broke this classic out on Christmas Day after dinner and introduced Boyfriend to it.  I grow to appreciate it a little more every year.
  • White Christmas: Mom and I watched this together late one night.  It's one of our favourites.  We can sing every musical number. :-)
  • Inception: Bought myself this as an after-Christmas present, because I had asked everyone for it and no one got it!  Blasphemy!  It's brilliant.  I'm so glad I got to see it when it was in theaters, and I hope it wins lots of Oscars in March.  I told my mom I don't want to be in movies, but would make an exception for Christopher Nolan (I also admire "The Prestige" which is also on his resume)
  • Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: Epic.
  • Lord of the Rings: Return Of The King: Also epic. (I am now inspired to reread all three books this month.)
  • A Streetcar Named Desire: Rented this on iTunes one afternoon because I'm currently obsessed with Vivien Leigh and have been researching both the movie and play.  The movie is of course different from the play, and not for the better due to Hollywood censorship of the day.  But since the playwright, Tennessee Williams, also wrote the screenplay, it's not as butchered as it could be.  The acting in the movie version of "Streetcar" is wonderful and stars most of the original Broadway cast.
  • Singing In The Rain:  Also introduced this to Boyfriend.  I was happy to be reminded how much I enjoy it.  It's one of the movies I credit with instilling in me a love for both acting and the classic "old" Hollywood.
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: Dawn Treader: Saw this in theaters.  I enjoyed it, but as in the case of "Prince Caspian" I had to put aside my critical eye from loving and knowing the books and enjoy it unto itself.
Have you seen and love or hate any of these?  What did you do over the holidays?


Never Too Busy said...

Hee hee. Boobies. :-P We need to watch Fellowship Of The Ring sometime.

Michelle said...

I love Julie Stiles... but don't listen to tasteless old me... I'm the one who gave you the movie with F-bombs and boobies!

It's a Wonderful Life is totally one of my fave movies ever and same goes for Singin' in the Rain. Classy!