September 7, 2010

A Relationship Five Years Strong!

I am speaking of course, about my favourite band.


I fell in love with them in 2005, a year of much change and growth for me.  Like many bands their look and even their line-up has morphed over the years.  But with each album their sound and their message becomes deeper to me.  Somehow each new album plays perfectly as the soundtrack to whatever life event I am experiencing at the time.  I continually rediscover new lines in their songs that says what I want to say better than I can.

The first Anberlin album I owned was "Never Take Friendship Personal" and it was a Valentines Day present from my first boyfriend (when we broke up I couldn't listen to that album for a year)  Their last album, "New Surrender" was released in fall of 2008, just I was starting my first semester of college.  I have enjoyed all their work, but it took me a few years of experiencing boyfriends and births and deaths and struggle and triumph to appreciate everything they sing and play about.  As their lyrics matured over the years, I did too.  I feel like I've grown up with Anberlin.

I have seen them live twice, both times at small clubs and standing just a few feet from the stage. Their energy makes me grin for days.

When I got an iPod last year, I even had a lyric from an Anberlin song engraved on it.  "When life is in discord/praise ye the Lord" from "Paperthin Hymn" is one of the best life mottos I've ever gotten from a song, and I thought it was worthy for both personal reminder and public display.

I have an irrational fear of Anberlin breaking up or even worse, changing into something I no longer connect too.  Of course, fans change too and maybe one day I will find that it is I who no longer connect to them, and not the other way around.

But today they release "Dark Is The Way, Light Is A Place".  You can listen to it here.  Thank you, Anberlin, for one more album that makes my life good. :-)

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