September 2, 2010

End of Week Award

J. Ashley of Be Real Be Happy has given me a great award!

It's so heart-warming to be considered "A Blog With Substance"! 

This award has three rules:

1)  Say thank you-  Thanks J. Ashley! :-D

2) Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience using five words:
Perseverance, Goals, Love, Thankfulness, Growth.

3) Pass the award on to 10 blogs that you feel have real substance.
Here are the ones I chose (some of you may have received this award already, oh well. :-p)

In a world filled with so much distraction and confusion, I believe that even our hobbies should have a purpose.  Don't get me wrong; it's perfectly fine to do something just for the fun of it.  But always ask yourself if how you're spending your time is adding something positive to your life.

The blogs above (and others not mentioned here) have brought so much wisdom, comfort, and amusement into my life.  Knowing that my blog is read and enjoyed by others is such a fullfilling feeling!


Never Too Busy said...

Thanks for the award :-)

Natalie said...

Aw, thanks so much, pretty girl! That just made my day. :) I, too, appreciate those who put their heads and hearts into their writing, even if it is about something pithy. Have an awesome week, and keep the blogs coming, please! :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. I feel pretty flattered to be considered for such an award with this group.

Michelle Schraudner said...

Thanks, doll! I'm so glad you've been enjoying Might & Main! :)

Frannie said...

Thank you so much dearest for the award. And congratulations cos you deserve it :)