October 12, 2010

Me > Monday

I'll just say that yesterday was a Monday in all its unpleasant and obnxious Monday-ness.  It had me grumpy and worried and not feeling well.  But a few things made today very bearable:

-Working one-on-one with a lovely student actress, and watching the transformation that took place as she found a connection to her character.
-Learning to sing the soprano part of "Carol of the Bells" in acappella choir.
-Having a dinner out with Boyfriend, whose conversation and company never fail to delight me.

So take that Monday.  You may have had me down, but you'll never have me beat!


Never Too Busy said...

Did you just basically tell Monday to suck it? :-P

Debbie said...

Yes, but in a much more eloquent way!

Niki said...

i had Monday on Tuesday and it kicked my a**; i finally gave up and went to bed at like 5:30.