October 5, 2010

Hold Please

Today my skin was healed enough to wear a dress and tights and heels for the first time in many months.  Today I was a practicing assistant director and dramaturg.  Today I accidentally killed my cell phone.

Today was a good day.


Never Too Busy said...

You have a "deciding to be awesome" tag. You are my hero! :-D

Michelle said...

How the heck did you kill your cellphone? I need to get ahold of you for CABARET!

The Wilted Rose said...

wow, and I was just assuming the cell phone incident was your fault when I commented on you fb status. Hah! Well done, Debbie

Yelena said...

minus the phone dying - whoooo!!!! :)
you're amazing :0)
and hey, now you have a blackberry, so it turned out to be quite an awesome day! ;)