April 7, 2010

Dressing The Part (Buried Child Post #3)

My "Shelly" costume is coming together this week!  Inspired by the 1970's, I am wearing blue jeans with widely-flared legs, a tight purple top (which will possibly be cropped; the costumer and directors are debating this choice :-p), high-heeled leather clogs decorated with fringe and beads, and topped with a fur stole.  If it sounds a little eclectic, it's because it is (in my opinion).  In the director's words, "Shelly" is supposed to look like a slut without actually being one.  My make-up is going to be extremely heavy and dramatic, and I don't know what they're doing with my hairstyle.  Besides the fact that my shoes (which will be broken in by showtime) and the top (which is still being debated) are very uncomfortable, I'm excited about it all!

My hair colour has been debated and stressed over for weeks!  It seemed like every other day something came up about it.  Was my hair too red, too brown, too short, too long...*sigh*  It has gotten a little old having an aspect of my personal appearance discussed that much!  I also had a dry laugh when the costume assistant/stage manager called and asked me to bring my best bra to a fitting...as I am not exactly well-endowed, she was considering putting me in a Wonderbra!  But my own from home worked out just fine. ;-)

We were supposed to be off-book (have lines memorized) as of last week, but we're all still struggling with that.  Tonight's rehearsal will be our first complete run-through of the show, so I'm going to get some study time in before then!  (Plus, I have a biology test right before rehearsal and I crammed for that yesterday and today. Ugh).

1 comment:

The Style Mansion said...

You sound like a dedicated actress. Shelly sounds like an enigma indeed.
I am so excited for you!