August 19, 2009

Old Friends and New Connections

Hello to the friendly ladies that have dropped by my blog the past couple days! I think we all found each other through Oh,mishka; a lovely blog about lovely things. Check it out if you have not already!
The Blogs of Note feature is a really fun way to experience new blogging styles and meet interesting people. I feel a little daunted at making my blog as follow-worthy as those featured are, but for now I will keep writing for myself and not worry too much about it. :)

I've completed evening three of Drivers Education classes (there are ten over a two week period). I found out that one of my fellow students lived for years one street over from me, and we played with all the same people growing up! It's crazy. :) We rattled off name after name, our faces lighting up with mutual recognition. Moments like that are fun. Between coffeehouses, community college, church, and Facebook (:p), the world grows smaller and smaller in this town.

Working at school was nice today, but reminded me that summer is drawing to a close. In the fall three of my dearest friends are heading to the university around the corner. Life will feel different for us next semester, and maybe slightly lonely at first. I'm trying not to think of what is lost, but rather to treasure what is gained.

1 comment:

Suzi A said...

Thanks for the recommendation on my blog! I do love the top, especially the grey and pink... it is perfect for elegant lounging, and when you feel like a t shirt day that can be hard to pull off...