January 18, 2012

The Ring Is Warm and The Plans Are Dry

(And now we return to regular programming.  Thanks for so enthusiastically enjoying the proposal stories with us. :-))

I went back to work at the scene shop today. Since before finals until now has been a pretty slow time, and I haven't seen the shop for weeks. I was given keys to pretty much every door in the theatre, and taught how to properly read  a floor plan and spike (tape) a stage for a set.  Stoked.  A secret part of me feels like I have a whole lotta keys and very little knowledge fit for using them, but then again, it has taken me a long time to build any confidence at this job.  I still panic on the inside when I'm told to pick up tools and use them.  Fortunately I have a boss/professor that does nothing but cheer me on and make me laugh while simultaneously teaching me things.

Those keys will come in handy this semester as I am the stage manager for our production of "Spring Awakening: A New Musical".  Yep, any theatre geeks who may read this blog, CCBC is the first college in our area to do the musical version of this show.  Tonight our director showed us the ad in a playbill from a local Equity theatre and it was so exciting to see us in print.  This will be the biggest thing I've ever stage managed and I'm both scared and excited.  I'm currently toying with the idea of changing my major to another concentration of theatre besides acting, and if this SM venture goes well I will definitely start to make some decisions.

Because, like whoa, do I need to make a decision about school.  I'm engaged.  I need a full time job, I need money, I need a well-rounded vision for my life....I need so many things.  And no, my dears, there is NOT a wedding date yet.  People literally begin to ask you for one before the ring is warm on your finger and it's like, excuse me, let me bask in the glow of being ENGAGED before I stress over the logistics that a WEDDING entails.  Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to be Nathan's wife, but rushing into wedding planning was the last thing I wanted to do.  Yet we did it.

I expressed several times today to a few people that I currently long to either eat or sleep (mostly sleep) all the time recently.  Life just feels really overwhelming right now.  Last weekend after returning from a long trip (Tuesday through Friday at KCACTF :-)) I spent a total of 18 hours sleeping.  Ridiculous, right? I just wanted to rest and hide from everything, and so I did.  It was amazing.  I'll probably never be doing that again, unless taken severely ill, but I also probably won't forget how awesome it felt.

Guess I should visit with you guys more often.  All of that came out like a shook up soda that couldn't wait to spill all over you.

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