January 7, 2012

Proposal Story, Part I

Some of you know us offline, or have been following this blog long enough, to know that Nathan and I have been dating for about two years.  You may also know I had a bit of a rough time before and right after we got together as a couple.  Regardless, I've known since within the first few weeks of dating him that he was The One.  I hate to be one of those cheesy, infuriating people who says " I just knew" so I won't.  But I did. ;-)

Once you know what you want, and you want it more than anything, and you know not having it is like missing a key to the rest of your life moving forward, it's easy to start becoming discontented, anxious, or even confused.  I did just that at times.  We had discussed and agreed that we would one day get married, and had also agreed it wasn't the time to officially take on that commitment (didn't have full-time jobs, wasn't finished school, etc).  But deep down, I just wanted to get engaged and move forward.  I freely admit I had started to occasionally pester him about it.  I was caught between knowing I wanted him as a permanent part of my life and figuring out how to plan my life without him yet being that permanent part.  However, I wanted him to be sure, confident, and happy about moving into that phase of our relationship.

Right after Christmas and before the New Year, my dearest invited me to share the rest of his life with him!  The moment was unexpected, thrilling, and lovely.

To be continued... ;-)

1 comment:

Jade Carver said...

OOOOOH I can't wait to read the rest of this! :)