November 2, 2009


I'm so behind! :( Things are well,'s a list of latest events:

-Visiting Maryland Renaissance Festival for the first time
-Sleeping 12 hours on Halloween, but partying the night before :p
-Getting my ears pierced, but with a twist; I got a regular set of holes, and second hole in my right ear to match the hole my BFF has in her left ear.
-Organizing the cabaret show that Barnstormers is putting on
-Hosting a Halloween Murder Mystery coffeehouse at school
-Going on some fun dates :)
-Once again coming to the realization that loneliness is a choice, and so is happiness. More about that later.
-Thus far having a passing average in my math class!
-Taking lots of pictures of pretty changing leaves
-Driving a lot and knowing that my confidence and skills are increasing each time

There are some pictures to go with my hurried catch-up in my newest Facebook album. I hope to be back socializing with my blog world soon!

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