December 23, 2012

Memoir of Firsts: A Dinner Guest

This a shot of how I set the "table" for the inaugural dinner guest in our house. Until a few days ago Nathan and I didn't have a dining room table set up. So when we had the first dinner guest a few weeks back, I was determined to somehow still make it special. After an evening of home repairs with our good friend, we ordered a pizza and bought paper plates and cups. With candles lit, Christmas music via Pandora playing, and sitting on the floor around the coffee table, we ate and laughed and talked. Nothing else would have felt more perfect...

Until we all heard a very loud crash that sent the guys running around the house armed with tools and flashlights; a funny sight that lightened an intense moment of fear for me. We never did figure out what caused the noise, and enjoyed the rest of the evening.

Merry Christmas Eve! Hope you're making lots of new and nice memories in your own abodes.

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