September 29, 2012


I have seen death enter in the winter of life many times, and I have seen it steal life in its dawning days as well.  No matter the age or circumstances, meeting death has always left me feeling confused, angry, guilty, and other numerous combinations of negative emotions one can think of.  I'm sure the same can be said for many of you reading this; I don't claim any especial attention or sympathy for saying so.

I say it because death has entered my life in a completely new way, and this time I don't quite know how to meet or speak of it.

Several days ago a friend of mine reached out and took death by the hand. By his own wish he left us forever.

He will never know how the little room at a funeral home overflowed today with people who cared for him, or how many more who couldn't be there were thinking of him.  He will never again share the spotlight of the stage with me, or take me out for coffee, or surprise me with some droll joke brimming from his philosophic mind.

I just don't understand how the world can keep turning like nothing tragic has happened, but the truth is, it does.  May we one day understand, and regardless of understanding, may we all love each other a little harder than before.


Never Too Busy said...

Well Said.

Niki said...

My deepest, heartfelt sympathies. There is no answer, no sense to be made of it, just pain that will eventually be bearable.