May 27, 2009


School is finally over, and I'm lost in a sea of work. Working as a student aide at school (I was awarded the position as part of my financial aid) and pulling together everything that needs to happen before June 10 (opening night of I Hate Hamlet). Plus I'm putting hours in at AMF again, and getting some City on the Hill projects taken care of it.

The aide job is in the Honors Center and it isn't difficult. It's work that I'm used to, such as data entry and stuffing envelopes. Other than that I surf on the computer and talk to my boss, Marcia, and the students that drop in.

We are two weeks from opening night, and I'm scared. There is SO much to be done; both cast and crew are behind on their respective responsibilities. I work well under pressure however, and I hope the others do as well and we pull this off with something to be proud of. I am also now an understudy (can't remember if I mentioned that before) and I'm very grateful and excited for my chance to learn and perform. I'm feeling better about it now that I know my lines...

The major events of this month were getting my job, working on the play, completing finals (grades haven't been released yet) and going to the SGA awards banquet. At the banquet I was shocked and happy to be given a $500 returning scholarship, and an award for "Emerging Student Leader." Having the money means that I will be paying for classses next semester without my parent's funds...a relief to myself and them! The leader award was nice, especially after the work I've poured into Barnstormers this spring. At our last meeting of the semester I was re-elected president, and have lots of plans for fall semester. I'm not going to think to hard about those until after the play however.

Physically and mentally, I'm very tired; yet I'm in a good place. I'm surrounded by opportunity, love and challenge. I'm grateful for the people God has put in my life, and the lessons we are teaching each other. I've had several opportunities to share my faith this semester, and been taught some other viewpoints and lessons in return. Also, I'm learning new lessons about who I am as an adult, and balancing that with still living at home. My parents and I have had some good talks about that recently.

To you people who have been at the beach recently- I am so jealous!! I want a vacation! or just a fun day away from everything...


1 comment:

Katie said...

I am glad to hear you're doing well, I've missed you! I think of you and am praying for you. We need to get together soon, after you're play and after our move maybe? LOVE YOU!!!! xoxoxoxo