July 7, 2013

Independence Weekend

I'm winding down this Sunday eve from a low key  weekend at home (sort of) with Hubs. The gift of Independence Day being on a Thursday and the theatre also being closed Friday meant four lovely days of projects and leisure for us. I've come to the end of it surrounded by a reasonably clean house, rambunctious kitties, and various boxes and possessions we retrieved from my parent's house. Coming up on our six month wedding anniversary I figured it was high time I finished moving out! (I'm still not technically finished. We borrowed a van and maxed it to capacity with my priority items.) We also spent the weekend with excellent company in a variety of settings; my family on the 4th with a grilled steak dinner, his family yesterday with birthday cake and gifts for our niece, and a visit filled with a few drinks, cigars (for the guys), and good conversation with one of our best friends. As if all of this wasn't enough to do, we traded in our only car this weekend and acquired a serious and needed upgrade (used yet awesome). This morning the children's choir I've spent the past several months working with performed for the last time until the fall session, and with a few of them graduating it was thrilling to see them do so well. 

After a long period of blogging silence I choose to ramble all this off to you as a means of saying, I am very blessed by the things and people in my life. I'm not sure I really knew what married life would be like, but I have not regretted or wanted to change a moment of it since it began. And no, every day is not like those of this weekend. It was an oasis; a productive time of reflection in the full and fruitful time we're living. 

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