September 10, 2011

@The_Moment: Tech Week!

Tech week for the play festival is upon me.  We've been rehearsing at a museum who is sponsoring the festival, and have yet to see our actual performance space (at The 14Karat Cabaret) or even know the exact dimensions we'll be working within!  Hopefully we'll learn all that on Monday.  We are going to rehearse once in our performance space the night before the show.  I know what I'm wearing for both the plays I'm in, and everything is from my own wardrobe. 

The rehearsal format is much different than what I'm used to.  Up till now it was an hour a week for each piece, and in that hour we would usually get through each piece twice.  That leaves a lot up to the actor as far as independent study.  Fortunately our directors are good communicators and collaborators, so it was easy to learn and take their acting notes on first explanation.  I'm still struggling with a section of dialogue in "Con-text", which is both really embarrassing and worrying.  I learned the Twitter piece with much less trouble than I anticipated with the use of a flash cards system.

We're rehearsing every night this week and opening on Friday!  Hope you'll be there! :-) (I promise I'll know my lines :-p). 

1 comment:

Niki said...

I think i am coming on Saturday.