April 29, 2012

Thoughts From The Wings

In the past two weekends I've attended or worked at the following:

-a student-produced play
-a drag ball
-a dance company recital
-an experimental fashion show (put on in a gorgeous dilapidated church)
-a coffeehouse
-a graduation banquet (featuring monologues and music)
-rehearsals for a musical based completely on Elvis music

Photo Cred
Not only is it obviously extremely hard to complete homework on weekends like these, it's hard to WANT to keep attending class at all.  For several of these events I worked or lent a hand in someway, and for two of them I got paid.

It hit me that I'm getting a taste of what life could be like to actually be done school and working in theatre/performance.  I love it, and am determined to be good at it.

I was just offered and accepted a position as props manager for an entire season at a summer theatre (five shows in all).  I may have gotten myself in over my head, but I will no doubt meet lots of people that are good to know in my professional community (and I've already befriended several such individuals this semester).

All that said, I didn't get President's Distinguished Graduate, and I'm okay with that.  It brings me a sense of contentment and pride to reflect that I'm already working in my field and building a good name for myself-that means more than any speech or plaque!

This week I'll be working tech for my current show (also as props mananger) as well as putting on my last Phi Theta Kappa induction as Chapter President.  I am counting the sweet weeks away to finals and then graduation, knowing that I have exciting days ahead of me. :-)

1 comment:

Niki said...

Relish this excitement about you lifr every day.