April 8, 2012

Now Boarding: Classes & Kappans

I went into spring break without lofty goals or big plans of how I would spend it, yet I am fairly content with how it went!  I slept well, saw the HTB (Hubs-To-Be) almost every day,  did a little studying, shopping, celebrated Easter, etc.  I'm not looking forward to going back to classes, but I'm kind of excited for the final push to have a successful semester.

This week I get to do a bit of traveling and skip an extra day of class.  On Wednesday night I'm leaving with my Phi Theta Kappa chapter for International Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.  While I doubt I'll enjoy this trip in the same way I did the last, I'm excited as always to see new places.  I'll be staying with my friends and other fellow Kappans at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel (part of the Gaylord resort chain).  In my opinion, the place looks ridiculous!!  But in a good way I suppose. :-p  This year's experience will be enhanced by being a part of the campaign of a friend of mine who is going after an International Officer position.  This may be the last big Phi Theta Kappa event I attend for a long time (or ever, depending on how active I become as an alumnus) so I intend to learn as much as I can, celebrate, and enjoy every minute!

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