August 20, 2010

What I Do While Staying Happy

Last Monday morning I set my Facebook status to "Debbie plans to think lots of happy thoughts this week!"  I'm pleased to say, I followed through on that plan.  It's so much easier to whine, wallow, or otherwise despair about the bad things that happen to us, but I don't want to be any unhealthier than I am already am, physically or mentally.  While I was busy trying to think those happy thoughts, I had lots of things to do.

Preparing for and working at rehearsals has kept me busy.  I'm stage managing "The Perfume Counter", a one-act play written by a CCBC student.  I am very anxious about being a good stage manager, so I've probably been slightly overly-prepared. However, I take pride in pleasing cast and director, filling out my rehearsal reports in a timely manner, learning to mark a stage with spike tape according to a ground plan, and being a help to the first-time director (who is also the playwright).  It's really been fun so far!  Rehearsals and classes dictate that I'll be spending seven days a week on-campus during the month of September, and I'm not really looking forward to that.  The show runs the last weekend of September, and then I'll be free!  (and hopefully not sick of school already. :-p)

Nathan and I chilled at his house yesterday (we normally go to mine) and decided to watch some movies.  We cracked open the BBC version of "The Chronicles of Narnia".  I remember fondly taking those movies out of my church's library over and over when I was young.  Watching them yesterday however, didn't invoke only warm and fuzzy memories.  These were made in the late 1980's, and I've definitely become one of those in my generation ruined by CGI animation that adorns today's movies with a paintball-like bombardment.  My younger self didn't realize that BBC's Aslan was an animatronic lion, and didn't care that most of the mythical creatures were hand-drawn in pencil and layed over the live-action film.  At the time I also didn't know that Mr. and Mrs Beaver were full grown humans in costumes, while real beavers are the size of small dogs.  As Nate put it, watching these movies yesterday was like "having my childhood the face...with a 2x4." (His metaphors are priceless :-p)  I envy children for their strong knack at suspension of disbelief!  I think I'll stick to my beloved (and well-worn) paperback copies of the series.  I totally nerded out by explaining all the missing details that Nathan didn't know! :-)

At work, the campus is buzzing with preparations for the fall semester.  It's interesting watching all the teachers come back attending meetings and conferences in their various moods and personalities.  I've made just enough money this summer to stay on top of my bills, but didn't save any money as I hoped to.  I applied for a job that greatly excited me, but it's looking as if that isn't going to develop into anything fruitful for now.  I did spend some time talking to our Student Life advisor about the job and also about my resume and my work experience.  She said that she definitely thinks I have great qualifications and accomplishments, so that made me happy.

As you can see, I'm making the most of the end of my summer, in both work and play.  I'm looking forward to a productive weekend!

1 comment:

Never Too Busy said...

:-) Glad you're living it up and trying to be happy. Sometimes we just forget/don't want to try to be happy. And thanks for the Narnia filled evening :-D