August 21, 2010

Hitting The mark.: "Lip Lacquer"

This is my first review from a customer!   

Some of mark.'s earliest products were eye liners, lip glosses, and other make-up in a package known as "Hook Ups".  You could purchase two tubes of make-up that would be hooked together with a free connector (see image).  Now almost everything imaginable make-up-wise, including brushes and face treatments are offered by mark. in the Hook Up format.

image from
My boss bought the Lots of Lacquer lip gloss from the Hook Up line in the color "Fever".   She said that the gloss went on with a nice consistency, moisturized her lips, and the color was very pretty.  What more could you want in a lip gloss?

Lip glosses are one of my favourite beauty products, because they are easily portable, instantly glamorous, and come in so many fun colors and hues.  Plus, for some reason I really enjoy having super-shiny lips (it's not for everyone, I know. :-p)  I'm proud to know that mark. offers a lip gloss that made my first customer so happy!

Get your lip gloss (or beauty fave of choice) in my eBoutique today!  Also don't forget to Like my mark. Facebook page. :-)

1 comment:

Never Too Busy said...

That's pretty cool. I enjoy these Mark. posts because they're so educational. :-)