June 17, 2010

Sing, If It's Just For Today

Today I felt relatively pain-free and was the happiest I've been for awhile- yay for prayers and medicine kicking in! :-)  I spent a few hours at work in the afternoon, read outside in the sun, and then invited Bethelle over for some girl time.  We took park pictures in our cute outfits, watched "Glee", talked, made delicious gluten-free brownies, and had a late evening jaunt to Wal-mart to get vanilla almond milk to go with our brownies...good times. :-)

Also today, I was charged almost $200 in overdraft fees...due to my bad book keeping and lack of work, my finances are really non-existent.  I'm so grateful that my parents still help with medical bills. 

So was today perfect?  Am I magically all healed?  No, of course not.  But that's not what life is about.  It's about being thankful for what you are given and loving every moment that you can.  It's about dreaming on, no matter what.  That's something that both Bethelle and I are learning to do.

Sing with me, sing for the year
Sing for the laughter, sing for the tears
Sing with me, if it's just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you away

Dream on, dream on, dream on
Dream until your dream comes true

("Dream On" by Aerosmith)


chloƫ. said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!! You're very sweet, and I'll be sure to keep your health and finances in my prayers!

Ps. We have that song on our wall :)

Yelena said...

these photos are so fun. there's nothing like playgrounds and girlfriends. no matter how old you are! :) im so glad you had a great day. darn those overdraft fees though! :(
here's to more amazing days ahead! :)