June 14, 2010

Childhood Favourite, Still A Favourite

This Friday "Toy Story 3" comes out! 

I'm so excited about this Disney Pixar movie because I have been a fan of Toy Story from the very beginning.  I have been touched or entertained by every Pixar movie over the years (my favourite is probably Monsters Inc).

My younger brother enjoys Pixar too.  I remember the Christmas when he was 7 or 8, Mom took me to the Disney store where I bought a present for him with my very own money- a Buzz Lightyear!  I could hardly wait for Christmas morning so I could give it to him. :-)

Hey Boyfriend, you can bet we are going to the movies this weekend! :-D  (We hardly ever agree on movies.)

1 comment:

Never Too Busy said...

What happened to waiting a few weeks to avoid the annoying kids? :-P