Today I felt like a cat basking in front of a sunlit window; I felt content, happy, warm, and by the day's end, sleepy. The Spring of 2010 glowed down upon us full force and I enjoyed as much of it as I could! Unfortunately I had to work inside at school, but for lunch break and after my shift I sat outside. (I also made as many excuses as possible to run errands from the office and go outside. :p) There's a beautiful stone house in the middle of campus that I adore, and I soaked up the sun while sitting at the picnic tables in back of the house. I think the campus is simply perfect in early spring and late fall...we're up on a hill, and there is always just the right amount of sun, shade, and breeze if you know where to look; plus we have lots of trees and good places to sit. Since I spend waaayyy too much of my time at school, I'm glad it's a place I don't mind looking at!
I capped off the daylight hours by doing some driving. I'm working on the hours I need to get my full license, so when Mom and I went out this evening I enjoyed some highway driving with the windows rolled down while the sun was setting. We picked up dinner and had some girl talk.
Now I'm cozy and sleepy and feeling very happy with how this week has gone. Tomorrow I get to sleep in and do anything I want...which probably means clean and study. :-p I want to blog about how my play is going, so I'll be back soon for that!
I'd like to point out that you can't soak up the sun by sitting in the shade :-P
I KNEW that comment was coming! :-p After work I sat in the sun, and at home I sat in the sun, and I walked around in the sun throughout the day. So there! :-*
You day sounds so lovely with more lovely on top
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