1 - Why did you start blogging?
As a way to share news and express thoughts among my friends, and to be able to follow my friends' blogs more easily.
2 - Who's the one blog friend that you would want to meet most in "real life"?
There are a couple that I would be totally jazzed to meet, such as Michelle and Brooke, but I definitely would LOVE to meet Lisa. She's so Godly and sweet, and always warms my heart with her comments.
3 - Why are you always concerned with losing that "extra 10 pounds" when chances are your husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the way you are?
This has actually never been a concern for me; most people in my life would be happy if I gained ten pounds. Putting on weight is hard for me, and I'm sometimes self-concious about how tiny I am.
But to answer the actual question, I think women lose weight for themselves; not their man. If you aren't happy with yourself, it's hard to believe anyone who tells you you look "just fine".
4 - What's the one thing you wish guys could understand about you?
I need someone who doesn't get freaked out by my emotional rants and paranoia, who listens compassionately, but is mature and levelheaded enough to calm me down and tell me to stop over-reacting. At times I have a hard time thinking logically or expressing my feelings openly (but it's something I'm currently working very hard to change).
5 - Tattoos. How many do you have and how many are visible when you wear your "everyday" clothes?
I have none, but have been talking for sometime of getting one. I haven't selected the spot yet; it will be somewhere not over obvious, but visible in a bathing suit or some summer clothes.
6 - What was the best year of your life and why?
The past several years have had extreme highs and lows, all of which made me glad to be alive. However, I think I would pick 2004. I was really involved at my church and with my friends in that year, started to find myself as a person and gain a little freedom, and started dating my first boyfriend.
7 - Name three things you would do if you were a man for one day.
Hold doors open for everyone who crossed my path; know what it's like to be asked what I'm thinking and be able to honestly say "Nothing"; and buy a tool knowing exactly what it is made to do.
8 - What's your alcoholic drink of choice that usually raises a few eyebrows?
I don't think any of my beverage choices have raised eyebrows, though people are usually surprised when I say I like vodka (I've yet to have it straight though :-p).
I love the whole being a man for a day answer. It's very insightful :-P
Hi Debbie,
Firstly, thank you so much for mentioning me. Shall I tell you something funny? When I read my name, I didn't think it was me and I clicked on it and ended up on my own blog. That's funny and sad at the same time. I really hope we do meet one day!
Your 2004 sounds perfect. I love your man for a day comments too. Opening doors - I like that.
I think we all have our illogical,paranoid,dizzy moments including guys,so you'll be ok!
Nice post--I love getting to know fellow bloggers =)
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