December 29, 2012

Memories Bound

One of the many things that life has prevented me from working on is the much needed purging and packing of my childhood/current bedroom. As I prepare for the move, I think that two single people can't possibly own enough stuff between them to fill an entire house right away. But when I looked at the moderately sized closets of our dear cottage and then at the collection of "stuff" I've accumulated in twenty-something years, I start to doubt that assumption!

Nathan helped me pack up the majority of my book collection this evening. I have so little time or attention for reading of late that sadly, most of the books had to be dusted off. But almost every book I picked up had a personal story, and was generally accompanied with a comment, review, or memory before he could get it into the box. I hope for Nathan it was a little entertaining insight into who I am and the things I loved. For me, packing my books was like a refreshing evening with old friends.

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