September 19, 2011

High Notes and Dark Holes

I miss talking to you guys!  I'm consumed by theatre, Phi Theta Kappa, schoolwork, and random weak moments in which I fall down dark YouTube holes.

I regularly forget that I have tickets for an ANBERLIN concert this Saturday, but deep down, I am psyched!

@The_Moment is wrapped and you can read an outside perspective of it here.  (<--I'm pretty jazzed by what lies at that link!)  I have all sorts of fun tidbits to share from the show...but they'll have to wait.

I'm auditioning for the fall academic show this Wednesday, as well as co-chairing the Alpha Rho Psi orientation.  I'm presenting my second project of the semester for speech class tomorrow, and learning some pretty kick-a$$ songs in my voice lessons.  I'm studying "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera!!!  <3  Also something in Italian that I'm probably mercilessly butchering but sounds nice if you know nothing of the language. :-p

My biggest challenge (read: stressor) is whether I am doing too much or too little.  I want excellent grades, I need to become a better performer, I need to be a strong leader...but not at the expense of my sanity, health, or general happiness. Anyone have any advice?

1 comment:

Evan Becky said...

Please get someone to record you singing Think of Me. That's my favortie song from POTO!