August 15, 2011

An Intermission

I know that I once quoted myself as saying " 'Hiatus is a slow and painful death.' ", but I just spent the last few minutes writing a paragraph telling you I'm taking a break from blogging (and then deleted it).  Despite the double-quote contradiction (:-p), I am indeed taking a break.  I love blogging, but I haven't enjoyed it lately.  I have a lot on my mind, and this summer's writing has felt like a broken record.  Thanks for being a member of the small audience who for one reason or another takes an interest in my life.  If you'd like to continue to do so, you can check back in a few weeks.
My twitter will still be in use and open tweets can be found here.


Natalie said...

I've also struggled to keep up my blog for lack of desire at times, so I can definitely understand where you're coming from. The beautiful thing about writing? It doesn't matter where or when you do it...but it's always there for you to do. :) Take care, hun.

Evan Becky said...

If it's not fun, don't do it. But I have enjoyed reading your blog! Best of luck with the plays and job and BF <3

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Blogging breaks are totally needed sometimes. Enjoy your little vacation :)

Niki said...

Have a nice break.
I'll miss you.