July 15, 2011

Goodbye To The Desk, Hello To A Table Saw

There's just a few days left of "English Department, this is Debbie, how may I help you?"  I've been so blessed by working for the supervisor I currently have, and genuinely enjoy the teachers I assist, but a work study paycheck will suffice no longer.  August will bring the start of something new on my resume!  I'm not going far from "home"; I'll be working as an assistant at the campus' theatre as an employee of the college.  I will help run light/sound/stage for events, assist in theatrical set building, and generally help maintain the scene shop.  My co-workers will include Boyfriend, a professor/school TD I've mentioned before, and another good friend (occasionally.  He's leaving us for university. *pouty face*)

I'm excited for the benefits of the new job: more hours, pay raise, good company, learning more about my craft.  I've nervous about some elements of the job: longer work hours while carrying a full credit load, brand new responsibilities to learn, harder work (read: *using drills instead of pens* :-p), and the possible impact of boyfriend-turned-co-worker.  But I have faith that all will be delightful and it's an exciting new experience! (and oh look! A new label for my blog! ;-)

I have an audition downtown tomorrow!  It's my first audition that has not been for a college production, and I'm a little nervous.  It's with Salt Luck Arts, of which I could not find much about, and it's for a short play festival in September.  My current worries are will I get cast? and if I get cast will I be able to accept? (good ole transportation issues, rehearsals that would be a half hour away, etc.)

Until next time: rock your weekend, sleep well, smile lots, break a leg, or whatever else happens to suit your fancy. ;-)


Niki said...

Break a leg at the audition.

Never Too Busy said...

Love the new tag :-P