January 1, 2011

Something New!

It's a new year, so I've decided it's time for a new feature on my blog!  You guys have been really kind to my "Monthly Postings", but after over a year, I'd gonna put that to rest for awhile. (Though it may pop up if I'm having a particularly exciting month! ;-) 

Drum roll please!

"[Monthly] Obsessions"

Every month I'll share what is occupying my free time and thoughts, be it music, drinks, a thought, a movie...any random thing that grabbed my attention and made me do my Debbie Dance, basically!  ;-)  It won't be a boring list of rambling randomness either.  You can be looking forward to videos, links, and other multimedia to spice things up!

I'll be back to share the first round of 2011 obsessions near the end of January.  If you like this idea, you should do monthly obsessions with me!


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

What a fun feature! I'll definitely be stopping back. Happy 2011!!

Never Too Busy said...

Hahahah. Debbie dances rock! And I see you finally decided on a title. Good job :-)

Niki said...

This sounds like fun!