January 1, 2011

Planning for Happiness and Health

Hey Friends!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

For the last two years I haven't made any tangible New Year's Resolutions.  But this year I decided to jump back on that bandwagon and set some goals for myself!

1) Put $10 a week in my savings account.  (I hope to up that amount, but for now this is realistic.)

2) Stop being a slob.  I have a serious problem with dropping my stuff (and other people's) where ever is convenient to me in that moment, and then forgetting about it.  I also don't clean my living space often enough.  Hopefully no more!  Think "everything has a place and in its place."

3) To read a one-year devotional with my best friend.  I let her down in 2010, and she pretty much read it by herself for most of the year. :-( In an effort to strengthen my faith and encourage each other, I promised her I'd pick it back up.

Also, something huge I'll be tackling this year is counseling.  My health issues have created some habits and anxiety that I've realized I can't beat on my own.  I'm hoping talk therapy will help me find solutions for these or at least point me to the means of a healthier me.

Got any goals or resolutions to share?

[After I wrote this entry I found this article.  I feel kind of boring now , but I also know these "simple" goals are things that are going to improve the quality of my life.

1 comment:

Never Too Busy said...

Relevant Magazine can suck it, and by "it" i mean a lollipop of course!