November 11, 2010

Day Five: Favourite Colors

From the Thirty Day Challenge: Tell us your three favourite colors.

Black: I look great in it, it's classy, and theatre people wear it a lot (and yeah yeah, I know that black is the absence of colour...go with me on this one.)

Red:  I am very drawn to red objects.  I think they make me feel subconciously happy and empowered.  I own red t-strap heels, a red phone cover, a [red] iPod (that I ordered online for the sole reason the store didn't carry the [red] ones), a red foldable mushroom chair, and the list of striking objects goes on.

And then there is a tie between blue and pink.  Blue is my original utmost favourite color.  It's calming and comes in many beautiful shades.  Pink, despite the distaste I had for it, seems to be working it's way into various objects in my life.  No clue how that happened.  But it is pretty when not overdone.

1 comment:

Never Too Busy said...

You like red because red is a power color, and you're pretty much like Putin :-P And on a related note, my mom asked me what your favourite color was yesterday, and I totally drew a blank :-( I told her blue though, so I'm wasn't too far off :-)