Here's the rundown of what I've been studying so far (or just what I found to be the interesting highlights :-p)
Sociology 101-I'm enjoying this class for the same reasons and with the same enthusiasm as I had for Psychology 101. Applied science as it turns out, is fascinating. And I'm the type of girl who loves to read, write, observe, debate, and understand people. Some major topics so far have included the difference between common sense and scientific study, and the sociological perspective of three main theories- conflict theory, functionalism, and symbolic interactionism. I came to the realization that all the years I've spent listening to certain people in my life rant about how they are mistreated by capitalism and social norms was actually a walking lesson in conflict theory. I think I personally lead towards functionalism.
Math 083-I've been tempted to slack off or zone out, but thus far I've turned in every assignment (and received good grades!), attended every class and gone to weekly tutoring. This is not going to be easy..taking this course with three different teachers almost feels like I'm learning the material over again each time. But where there's a will, there's a way!
Voice and Diction- Oh.M.Gee. This class is the definition of fantastic! My professor is a director/actor who also coaches and performs for voice-over work. I adoreadoreadore this class. The three hours that a room full of strangers spent in a Saturday class turned into a really fun time of getting to know each other and doing a group exercise with the International Phonetic Alphabet. I'm truly looking forward to what this class is going to do for me as an actress and a person.
Chorus-I've finally bonded with the other ladies in the soprano section, and I'm picking up our music pretty well. This is just a fun way to burn off negative energy I carry around sometimes, and to keep my singing voice and ear sharp.
I'm also now enrolled in Play Production which I'll be taking with our school's new technical director. He seems like a very talented and fun guy. He's also Boyfriend's boss, so I crash the theatre shop often and hang out with them. :-p To fullfill requirements of play production I'll be involved in the main stage show in some way. As to what way, I'll be able to share that with you hopefully next week after auditions are over and a cast list is up! :-D I cannot wait.
P.S. I really did get my hair significantly cut, and have received a ridiculous amount of compliments on it. At work today one of the teachers said I was "causing quite a stir". That made me laugh!
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